Dear Book Lovers,
The books in the reading room are mostly donations from designers, publishers, writers, and collectives, including some that are difficult to obtain again. Therefore, we would appreciate it if you could kindly refer to the following points:
Please note that beverages and bags are not allowed inside the reading room. We appreciate your cooperation in keeping the space clean and free from any potential spills or clutter.
The books on the wall shelves are not securely fixed and occasionally fall to the floor. If you take a book from the wall shelf to read, you may place it on the desk after reading it.
We would love to hear your thoughts on the books you've read! If you could take a moment to share a brief one-line review along with a photo of the book on our social media account, @commonimprint, it would greatly benefit the many creators involved. Your feedback will serve as a source of inspiration and support for them.
If you are unable to keep your appointment, please cancel for the benefit of other visitors. If that's not possible, you can send us a short notice email.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Enjoy your time in the Common Imprint reading room!
Best regards,
Common Imprint